
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - médum-ness

According to the Old English Dictionary:


f. I. worth, dignity :-- Medumnes (Cott. MSS. medomnes) dignitas, Bt. 16, 3; Fox 56, 25. Nán man for his ríce ne cymþ tó cræftum and tó medemnesse ac for his cræftum and for his medumnesse hé cymþ tó rice non virtutibus ex dignitate, sed ex virtute dignitatibus honor accedat, 16, 1; Fox 50, 20-22. Gé underþiódaþ eówre héhstan medemnesse under ða eallra nyðemestan gesceafta vos dignitatem vestram infra infima quæque detruditis, 14, 2; Fox 44, 34. Ðæt gé nǽfre swá heálíce medumnesse (the priestly office) ne forwyrcen, L. E. I. 1; Th. i. 402, 27. Ealdordómes medomnysse, Shrn. 151, 19. II. kindness, condescension, appreciation of worth in others (cf. mǽþ,V) :-- Medemnysse ðínre benignitatis tuæ, Blickl. Gl.: Ps. Spl. 64, 12. Medumnysse benignitatem, 51, 3: Blickl. Homl. 145, 33. Cf. medumlíce, II. medum-ness