
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - medume

According to the Old English Dictionary:

Add:, me(o)dum. I. add: small, little. (1) of amount :-- Hí cómon ǽrest mid medemum fultume, ac siððan hý wiston hú hit þǽr besúðan wæs, þá . . . léton hí beódan mycele fyrde, Chr. 1052; P. 175, 17. (2) of quality, status, &c. :-- Þeáh þe Paulus wǽre se medmesta (minimus) þára apostola, Gr. D. 91, 6. II a. add :-- Heom ðúhte óðre hwíle þæt hé wǽre swylce hit cild wǽre, óðre hwíle eft swylce hé medemre ylde man wǽre, and óðre hwíle swylce hé eald geðungen man wǽre, Wlfst. 99, 14. II b. add :-- On meodumum (medemum) stówum (mediocribus locis), R. Ben. 89, 9 : 107, 14. Se ðeóda láreów lǽrde ðá rícan . . . Se ylca apostol manode eác ðá medeman . . . þearfan hé lǽrde, Hml. Th. ii. 328, 14. III. add :-- Hé ðúhte him sylfum suíðe unlytel and suíðe medeme se parvulum non videbat. Past. 113, 12. Sceal hé þurh clǽne andetnysse and þurh medeme bóte (through meet penance) and þurh his teáras þá synna eft áðweán, Hml. A. 158, 158. Hé gecéð him to geþingum ðínne ðone medoman naman ( thy worthy name), Shrn. 77, 8. Drihtne tó geearnienne medome folc (plebem perfectum, Lk. 1, 17), Bl. H. 165, 15. Rihtwísra manna gástas and full medemra spiritus justorum et perfectorum, Gr. D. 260, 21. Be full medemum (fulfremedum, ) werum de perfectis viris, 7, 22. Se God hæfð ealle creftas on hym gesunde and ful medeme, Solil. H. 52, 14. v. efen-medeme. medume

Related words: l.
