
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - meox

According to the Old English Dictionary:

In 1. 6 after 'meox ?' insert: and swá ðeáh, gif þú his wel notast, hwæt bið wæstmbǽrre?

. Add: manure :-- Ne forhtige gé for ðæs fyrnfullan þreátum, for ðan þe his wuldor is wyrms and meox, Hml. S. 25, 261. Hit ys bysmorlic dǽd ꝥ ǽnig man . . . þone múð ufan mettum áfylle and on óðerne ende him gange ꝥ meox út fram, E. S. viii. 62, 16. Ic hine bewurpe mid meoxe mittam stercora, Lk. 13, 8. God áhefð of meohse ( de stercore) þone mann þe hé wile, O. E. Hml. i. 301, 26. Meoxa stercorum, An. Ox. 3331. [N. E. D. mix.] meox