
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - mǽg

According to the Old English Dictionary:

Add: I. a kinsman :-- Gif áðer oþþe mǽg oþþe fremde þá ráde forsace, Ll. Th. i. 268, 21. Léte heó hit tó sweolcum hire méga swelce hit hire tó geearnigan wille, C. D. ii. 100, 22. Ðis wæs gedón ou gewitnesse his ágenra mága Æðelstánes and Æðelhúnnes and eác Alhmundes his ágenes sunu, I a. a parent, kinsman of an earlier generation :-- On Ines dæge mínes (Alfred's) mǽges, Ll. Th. i. 58, 24. Be wurþscipe mága (parentum) . . . ne scylon bearn (filii) mágum (parentibus) goldhordian ac mágas bearnum, Scint. 173, 7 -3. Bearn, beó gé underðiódde eówrum ieldrum mágum filii, obedite parentibus vestris, Past. 189, 22. Of hǽþenum mágum ethnicis parentibus (oriundus), An. Ox. 2417. II. kindred involved legal responsibility of its members to one another. (I) where one member was criminal, or subject to criminal prosecution :-- Áð syllan ꝥ hý on heora mǽge náne þýfðe nyston, Ll. Th. i. 206, 2. Gif hé clǽne beó nime hé upp his mǽg, 296, 10. Beó hé feówertig nihta on carcerne . . . and his mǽgas (mágas, v. l.) hine féden gif hé self mete næbbe, 60, 10: 120, 6: 124, 7: 148, 18: 164, 11: 202, 15: 206, 5: 228, 26 : 238, 31 : 286, 32. Gif hwylc his mága hine feormige, þonne beó hé scyldig ealles þæs þe hé áhte, 248, 8, Gif cyninges þegn ætsace . . . nime hé his mága .xii. . . . , ii. 298, 8. Gehealden hí hine .xxx. nihta, and hié hine his mǽgum (mágum, v. l.) gebodien, i. 64, 19. His mǽgum and his frióndum, 90, 8. (2) of conditions when a kinsman was injured :-- Ne gebyreð nánum mǽge ꝥ feoh búte þám þe sý binnan cneówe, Ll Th. i. 174, 25. Hæbbe hé his mæg forworht he shall have forfeited all claim to compensation in respect to his injured kinsman, 90, 20. Gif mon elþeódigne ofsleá, se cyning áh twǽdne dǽl weres. þriddan dǽl sunu oþþe mǽgas (mágas, v. l.), 116, 15. Ágife mon þám mǽgum (mágum, v. l.) ꝥ treów, 70, 10; 118, 8: 148, 15: 164, 13: 202, 16: 250, 15 : 406, 26. Se wer gebirað mágum (mǽgðe, v. l.), 186, 4. (3) where protection, assistance, support, is given :-- Mon mót feohtan mid his geborene mǽge, Ll. Th. i. 90, 24. Gif man gehádodne oþþe ælðeódigne forrǽde . . . , þonne sceal him cyng beón, oþþon eorl þǽr on lande and bisceop þǽre leóde, for mæg and for mundboran, búton hé elles óðerne hǽbbe, 174, 8: 348, 6. Healden þá mǽgas (mágas, v. l.) þone frumstól oþ þæt hit (a minor whose father is dead) gewintred sié, 126, 6. Fón mágas tó and weddian heora mágan tó wífe, 254, 20. Ládige hé mid his mágan þe fǽhðe móton mid beran, 344, 26: 362, 23. Gif hwylc landleás man . . . eft his mágas geséce, 204, 6. (4) as cognisant of matters affecting the kindred :-- Ꝥ on cyninges and on biscopes gewitnesse gerecce beforan his mǽgum. Ll. Th. i. 88, 2J. III. by the law of the church marriage was forbidden within certain limits of kinship :-- Wé lǽrað . . . ꝥ ǽnig crísten mann binnan .vi. manna sibfæce on his ágenan cynne ǽfre ne gewítie, ne on his mǽges láfe þe swá neáhsib wǽre, Ll. Th. i. 364, 23. III a. of illicit intercourse :-- Gif twégen gebróðra oþþon twégen genýhe mágas wið án wíf forlicgan, Ll. Th. i. 168, 19. [v. N. E. D. may a kinsman.] v. fædering-, níd-, un-mǽg; ge-nídmágas. mæg

Related words: 141, 22. Ic hátu cýðan . . . mínum mégum and gefeórum, ii. 120, 5. On mínum geongum mágum, 176, 3.
