Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - midd
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- midd
- I. add :-- Be ánre línan wæs áwriten anlang middes þæs þóþeres, Solil. H. 20, 17. Betwux þám eórode middan, Hml. S. 25, 583. On middum ðǽm ofne. Past. 269, 1. On midre sǽ 431, 30. On midde þá sǽ in cor maris, Ps. Th. 45, 2. On midde þá sceade deáðes in medio umbrae mortis, 22, 4. Betwih midde þreátas inter medios cleros, Ps. Vos. 67, 14. Heora ǽgþer hæfde his folc on þrím heápum, and hié selfe wǽron on þǽm midmestan, Ors. 5, 12 ; S. 242, 3, . II. add: (cf. the last passage with midde-niht) :-- Hí tó ðám middan wintran eódon heom tó heora garwan feorme, Chr. 1006; P. 136, 24.