Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - mód-geþanc
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- mód-geþanc
- m. n. Mind, thoughts, thought:--He mid his eágum up to heofenum lócade ðyder his módgeþanc á geseted wæs with his eyes He looked up to heaven, whither his thoughts were ever directed, Blickl. Homl. 227, 17: Exon. 50a; Th. 173, 33; Gú. 1170. Módgeþonc, Bt. Met. Fox 31, 37; Met. 31, 19, Nǽron gé swá eácne ofer ealle men módgeþances ye were not so gifted above all men with understanding, Cd. 179; Th. 224, 16; Dan. 137. Mǽtra on módgeþanc more humble in mind, 207; Th. 256, 3; Dan. 635. Nú gé fyrhþsefan and módgeþanc mínne cunnon, Elen. Kmbl. 1067; El. 535. Nú wé sceolan herigean metodes módgeþanc (-gidanc) nunc laudare debemus creatoris consilium, Bd. 4, 24; S. 597, 20. Monnes módgeþonc, Beo. Th. 3462: B. 1729: Bt. Met. Fox 5, 45; Met. 5, 23. Ne þearf hé gefeón mód-geþance he need not rejoice in his heart, Cd. 75; Th. 92, 5; Gen. 1524. On hige sínum, módgeþance, 107; Th. 141, 3; Gen. 2339. Ðá þeaht-ode þeóden úre módgeþonce, 5; Th. 6, 23; Gen. 93. Swá monig beóþ men ofer eorþan swá beóþ módgeþancas quot homines, tot sententiae, Exon. 91b; Th. 344, 4; Gn. Ex. 168: 91a; Th. 341, 11; Gn. Ex. 124. mod-geþanc