
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - murcung

According to the Old English Dictionary:

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f. Complaint, grief, murmuring :-- Hwæt is eówer murcung (murmur) wið unc? Past. 28, 6; Swt. 201, 5. Mid suá micelre murcunga his ágen mód gedréfþ tanto mentem moerore conturbat, 33, 7; Swt. 227, 19. Ðæt hié weorþen on murcunga and on ungeþylde ad impatientiae murmurationem proruunt, 45, 3; Swt. 341, 3. Hý ðé willaþ on murcunga gebringan ðonne hié ðé fram hweorfaþ fortuna cum discesserit allatura moerorem, Bt. 7, 2; Fox 18, 19 note. murcung