Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - mylen
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- mylen
- Add: f. n. A water mill:-- Ligð bænorðan ðám porte .xxxvi. æceras yrðlandes, and .x. æceras mǽde, and án mylen, C. D. molendinum, R. Ben. I. 112, 15), wyrtún, R. Ben. 127, 6. Of lace andlang watæres on Cortices mylne; of Cortices mylne . . . tó ðǽre fúlan flóde, C. D. vi. 31, 20. Sume menn syllað eác cyrcan tó hýre swá swá wáclice mylna . . . ac hit ne gedafnað ꝥ man dó Godes hús ánre mylne gelíc for lyðrum tolle, Hml. S. 19, 248-253. Fiscwer and mylne macian, Angl. ix. 261, 13. Ic gean Ǽdwine muneke þá mylne þe Ringware áhte . . . and ic gean ꝥ myln þe Wulnóð áhte into SUNCERTAIN Eádmunde, C. D. iv. 59, 11-15. Andlang streámæs on ðá mylne, v. 340, 21. [Lat. molina.] v. mersc-mylen and the mylen-compounds, almost all of which are connected with water. mylen