
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - of-hreósan

According to the Old English Dictionary:

I. add :-- His munecas nán óðer ne wéndon búton hé wurde ofhroren (crushed under the falling tree), Hml. S. 31, 412. Mid þæs wáges hryre hé (the devil) tócwýsde ǽnne munuccnapan. Hí wurdon þá ealle geunrétte . . . ná for þæs wáges fylle, ac for þæs ofhrorenan bróðres tócwýsednysse, Gr. D. 125, 10. Hí suncon cuce intó ðǽre eorðan ofhrorene mid moldan, Hml. S. 13, 228 : 35, 339. Hé sǽde ꝥ his hús feólle fǽrlíce, swá ꝥ his menn þǽr lágon ofhrorene, 25, 843. of-hreosan