Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - of-teon
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- of-teon
- pp. -togen and -tigen. I. to withdraw :-- He hine ofteáh ðære fore subtraxit se illi profectioni,, Bd. 5, 9 ; S. 623, 23. II. to take away what a person has, deprive a person of anything (with dat. or acc. of person, gen. of thing, or dat. of person and acc. of thing) :-- Ic ofteó derogo. Wrt. Voc. i. 39, 27. Gif mon him oftíhþ ðara þēnunga and ðæs anwealdes detrahat si quis superbis vani tegmina cultus, Bt. 37, ILLEGIBLE; Fox 186, 10. Oft ic sýne ofteáh, åblende beorna unrím, Exon. Th. 270, 21; Jul. 468. Wē oftugon ðē londes wynna, 130, 15; Gū. 438. Būton seó syncopa ðone i (of the gen. pl.) ofteó, Ælfc. Gr. 10; Som. 14, 55. Nó Ælmihtig ealra wolde Adam and Eve årna ofteón, Cd. Th. 58, 29; Gen. 953. Gif him gebyreþ ðæt him wyrþ ðara þēnunga oftohen (oftogen, Met. 25, 31), Bt. 37, I; Fox 186, 14. Ðē biþ seó bodung oftogen, Homl. Th. ii. 530, 30. Oftigen biþ him torhtre gesihþe he shall be deprived of clear sight, Exon. Th. 335, 29; Gn. Ex. 41. III. to withhold, keep back, deny a person anything :-- Ic ðē ofteó minne fultum . . . Ic ofteó mine rēnscūras I will withhold from thee my help . . . I will withhold my rain-showers, Homl. Th. ii. 102, 32-33. Gehelp ðu earmra manna mid ðam dǽle ðe ðú ðé sylfum oftíhst, i. 180, 12. For synnum oftíhþ se Ælmihtiga Wealdend hwílon mannum bigleofan, ii. 462, 21. Gif we Godes lāre eów ofteóþ, 554, 18. Hond feorhsweng ne ofteáh the hand refused not to strike a fatal stroke, Beo. Th. 4972 ; B. 2489 : 3045 ; B. 1520. Gē him ǽghwæs oftugon hrægles nacedum móses mete-leásum ye withheld from them everything, raiment from the naked, food from the hungry, Exon. Th. 92, 8; Cri. 1505. [And wó só mine cwyde oftē God him oftē heuenrīches and whoso refuses to carry out my testament, may God refuse him the kingdom of heaven, Chart. Th. 515, 30]Hé hét hire ofteón étes and wǽtes, Homl. Skt. i. 8, 129 : Blickl. Homl. 37, 28. Ðæt ðám gódum, ðe hit (doctrine) gehealdan willaþ, ne sý oftogen seó gāstlíce deópnyss, Homl. Th. ii. 96, 4: i. 370, 8. Swelce snytro swylce óðrum ieldran gewittum oftogen is negatas senibus dignitates, Bt. 8; Fox 24, 29. [Goth. af-tiuhan: O. H. Ger. aba-ziohan abstrahere.] of-teon