
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - of-þyncan

According to the Old English Dictionary:

Add: I a. :-- Ðý lǽs . . . him hefiglíce ofðynce ðæs ðe hié sealdon, Past. 321, 19. I b :-- Ne bið God nǽfre bepéht, ne him nǽfre ne ofþincð ꝥ, ꝥ hé ǽr tó rǽde geþóhte, Angl. vii. 34, 317. Þæt eów ofðince eówer gedwyld, Hml. Th. ii. 490, 8. I c :-- Hé cwræð þæt him ofþúhte þæt hé ǽfre mancynn gesceóp, Hml. Th. i. 20, 25. II a :-- Ðonne hé hit eft ofman, ðonne ofðyncð him ðæs ilcan ðe hé ǽr forbær, and bið eft onǽled mid ðý fýre ðæs sáres, Past. 225, 19. II c :-- For ðǽm ðe hé hefonríce mid his ágenre scylde forworhte, ðá ofdúhte him ðætte menn wǽron tó ðǽm gesceapene quia ipse coelum perdidit, condito hoc homini invidit, Past. 233, 20. [N. E. D. of-think.] of-þyncan