
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - ofer-brú

According to the Old English Dictionary:

gen. -brúwe; f. An eye-brow :-- Mǽden (hæfþ) tácn on ofer-brúwe swíðran, Lchdm. iii. 186, 25: 192, 28. Oferbrúa supercilia, Wrt. Voc, i. 42, 69. Oferbrúwa supercilium, 64, 33: 70, 40: 282, 47. Betwux oferbrúan and brǽwum intercilium, 43, 4. Oferbrúum supercili[i]s, Txts. 172, 33.

Related words: ofer-brǽw. ofer-bru
