
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - ofer-hleóðrian

According to the Old English Dictionary:

I. to outsound, exceed in sound:--Ðeáh ánra gehwylc hæbbe gyldene býman, and ealra býmena gehwylc hæbbe .xii. hleóðor, and hleóðra gehwylc sý heofone heárre and helle deópre, ðonne ðæs hálgan cantices se gyldena organ hé hý ealle oferhleóðraþ, and ealle ða óðre hé ádýfeþ, Salm. Kmbl. p. 152, 12. II. to exceed(?):--Ne frign ðú unc nóhtes má for ðon wit habbaþ oferhleóðred [-leóred(?)] ðæt gemǽre uncres leóhtes cave ne nos ulterius scisciteris jam excede terminos luci nostri, Nar. 32, 7. ofer-hleoðrian