
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - ofer-reccan

According to the Old English Dictionary:

to convince, confute, convict: -- Gif hine mon oferricte ðæt hé ne móste londes wyrþe beón if it should be proved against him that he was disqualified for holding land, Chart. Th. 141, 11. Forðon hé ðus cwsæþ ðæt hé ða lotwrencas oferwunne and oferreahte quatenus et illos victrix ratio frangeret, Past. 30; Swt. 205, 17. Ðú hæfst mé swíðe rihte oferreahte (-rehtne, MS. Bod. ) thou hast completely convinced me, Bt. 34, 3; Fox 138, 11. Ðonne is betere ðæt hié mid ryhtre race weorðen oferreahte and mid ðære race gebundene and ofersuíðde prodest, ut in suis allegationibus victi jaceant, Past. 30 ; Swt. 205, 3. Ðý læs ðonne hié oferhyggaþ ðæt hié síen oferreahte útane mid ó;ðerra manna ryhtum lárum hié ðonne síen innan gehæfte mid ofermétum ne dum rectis aliorum suasionibus foris superari despiciunt, intus a superbia captivi teneantur, 42, 2 ; Swt. 307, 6. Cf. ofer-stǽlan. ofer-reccan