Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - ofer-sprǽce
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- ofer-sprǽce
- adj. I. speaking too much, talkative, loquacious:-- Se ðe ofersprǽce biþ multiloquio subditus, Past. 15, 6; Swt. 97, 6. Se ofersprǽcea wer vir linguosus, 38, 8; Swt. 279, 21. Ne beo ðú tó oferspréce ac hlyst ǽlces monnes worda swíðe georne ' give every man thy ear, but few thy voice, ' Promultiloquio vacantes, Past. 38, 6; Swt. 277, 3 : 38, 1; Swt. 271, 14. [Cf. O. H. Ger. ubar-sprácha zungun linguam magniloquum.] II. saying more than is just or true (v. ofer-sprecan) :-- Ða fácnes fullan weoloras and ða ofersprǽcan labia dolosa, Ps. Th. ll, 3. Ða ofersprécan ðe mé yfel cweðaþ qui maligne loquuntur adversum me, 34, 24. ofer-spræce