
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - ofer-winnan

According to the Old English Dictionary:

Add :-- Iósue and Israhéla folc oferwunnon seofon ðeóda; eahtoðe wæs Pharao . . . swá sceolon crístene men ðá eahta heáfodleahtras mid heora werodum ealle oferwinnan, Hml. Th. ii. 218, 12-17. Hé unáliéfede lustas átemige and oferwinne illicitas suggestiones edomare, Past. 383, 6. Ne lǽt mé nánwiht oferwinnan on þís wege, þat ic ne mage cuman tó þé nihil mihi repugnare facias tendenti ad te, Solil. H. 14, 2. Vespasianus ásende his sunu tó oferwinnenne ðá earman Iúdéiscan, Hml. Th. i. 402, 30. Oferwinnendum expugnaiore, Scint. 8, 15. Þá wæs oferwunnan (-wunen, An. Ox. 3855) grassaretur, i. vastaretur (dum fames Ægypti vulgus grassaretur), Hpt. Gl. 497, 8. Oferwunnenre þǽre ofermódignesse extinctam superbiam, Prud. 38 a. [N. E. D. over-win.] ofer-winnan