
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - offrian

According to the Old English Dictionary:

Add: (1) absolute, to make a sacrifice, sacrifice :-- Ne tweónige hé ná ꝥ hé ne offrað deófle, Hml. A. 146, 49. Ofrude litarat, An. Ox. 370. Offriað gé mid rihtwísnesse, and bringað þá Gode tó lácum, Ps. Th. 4, 6. Godes ǽ ús forbiét diófulum to offrianne, Past. 369, 3. (2) to offer a sacrifice :-- Ic offrige þá offrunga immolabo hostiam, Ps. Th. 26, 7. Ofriað, 49, 15. Hé wolde offrian Gode þá gewonelican lác, Hml. A. 58, 182. Ofrian litare, An. Ox. 18, 39. (3) to offer something as a sacrifice :-- Offrian þæt lamb eall Israhéla folc on ǽfen immolabit eum universa multitudo ad vesperum, Ex. 12, 6. Hé wolde offrian his ágenne sunu Gode tó láce, Ælfc. T. Grn. 4, 26. Ofriende litaturus (panis merique libamina), An. Ox. 5087. offrian