
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - on-búgan

According to the Old English Dictionary:

I. add :-- Hí bǽdon ꝥ heora geféran . . . heora cwellerum onbugon (should bend their heads: cf. hí ástræhton heora swuran tó slæge, 71 : or under III. ?) blíþe tó slæge, Hml. S. 28, 63. II. add: to bend in submission to (tó) :-- Him onbugon þá Francan tó þám wynsuman iuce, Hml. S. 29, 177. Hwý sceal ǽnigum menn ðyncean tó orgellic ðæt hé onbúge tó óðres monnes willan (alienae voluntati acquiescere), Past. 307, 15. III. with dat. :-- Sé þe him (the devil) onbýhð bið beswicen, Angl. vii. 30, 282. Se yfela man hyne forcyrreþ oððe him onbúgeþ, Lch. i. 318, 24. Ealle gesceafta onbúgað gebígedum cneówe ðám Hǽlendum Críste, Hml. Th. ii. 362, 1: 18, 3. Þá leóda þé onbúgað, Hml. S. 7, 366. Hé wæs ꝥ folc cwielmende tó ðon þæt hié him anbugen, Ors. 1, 12 ; S. 54, 19. Hí nellað onbúgan ðám leahtrum . . . ac winnað him tógeánes, Hml. S. 17, 62. IV. add :-- For ðǽm ðonne hé hígað tó ðǽm godcundum ðingum ánum, ðæt hé ne ðyrfe on náne healfe anbúgan tó nánum fúllicum luste cum ad sola, quae interiora sunt, nititur, in nullo delectationis infimae latere flectatur, Past. 83, 15. Ðǽm medwísan is micle iéðre tó gestiéganne on ðone ryhtan wísdóm ðonne ðǽm lytegan sié tó anbúganne (to change his course; ut ab ea, quae putatur stultitia, ad veram sapientiam vicinius transeat), 203, 18. [Him alle onbuȝen, Laym. 3166] on-bugan