
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - on-findan

According to the Old English Dictionary:

p. -fand, -funde. I. to find out, discover, detect:--Ic anfinde deprehendo, Wrt. Voc. ii. 25, 32. Gif mec onfindeþ wíga, ðǽr ic búge, Exon. Th. 396, 20; Rä. 16, 7. Ic me sylf onfand ðæt . . . I discovered that . . . , Blickl. Homl. 177, 6. Ic hine onfand, and hine onbændan hét, Salm. Kmbl. 550; Sal. 274. Ne ic culpan in ðé ǽfre onfunde, Exon. Th. 11, 30; Cri. 178. Hú Boetius hí wolde berǽdan, and þeódríc ðæt anfunde, Bt. 1. tit.; Fox x. 2. Onfundan deprenderint, Wrt. Voc. ii. 25, 33. Gif hé wæccende weard onfunde búan on beorge, Beo. Th. 5675; B. 2841. Gif hwylc brððor on lytlum gyltum byþ onfunden, R. Ben. 49, 2. II. to find out from experience, become aware of, perceive, be sensible of:--Ic onfinde experiar, Wrt. Voc. ii. 32, 7. Hé ðæt ðonne onfindeþ, ðonne se fǽr cymeþ he will find it out, when the peril comes, Exon. Th. 449, 18; Dóm. 73. Ðá se gist onfand ðæt se beadoleóma bítan nolde, Beo. Th. 3049; B. 1522. Landweard onfand (became aware of) eftsíð eorla, 3785; B. 1890. Onfunde, 1504; B. 750: 1622; B. 809. Ðá hé ðá onfunde, ðæt hé deád beón sceolde, Bt. 29, 2: Fox 104, 20. Onfunde comperit, i. intellexit, cognovit, invenit, Wrt. Voc. ii. 132, 63. Ǽr hine ða men onfunden ðe mid ðam cyninge wǽrun, Chr. 755; Erl. 48, 31. On ðæs wífes gebǽrum onfundon ðæs cyninges þegnas ða unstilnesse, Erl. 50, 2. Hú fela onfundun (were sensible of), ða gefélan ne mágun, Dryhtnes þrowinga, Exon. Th. 72, 27; Cri. 1179. Onfindaþ ðæt and ongeotaþ intelligite, Ps. Th. 93, 8. Onfinden sapiant, Germ. 389, 16. Onfinden experiamur, Wrt. Voc. ii. 31, 42. Onfindende expertur, 31, 62. Onfunden, ongeten expertus, cognitus, i. probatus, inventus, 145, 47. Heó onfunden wæs men were aware of her presence, Beo. Th. 2591; B. 1293. III. to meet with, experience, suffer:--Hé weán oft onfond, Exon. Th. 377, 16; Deor. 4. on-findan