
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - on-geagn

According to the Old English Dictionary:

-gegen, -gægn, -gegn, -geán, -gán, -geǽn, -gén.

A. prep. often following a case. I. with dat. (l) marking position, opposite, over against, against:--Breoton . . . ðám mǽstum dǽlum Európe myccle fæce ongegen (-gén, MS.C.: -geán, MS. B.) Britannia. . . maximis Europae partibus multo intervallo adversa, Bd. l, l; S. 473, 10. Nebo on ðam lande Moab ongeán (over against) Iericho, Deut. 32, 49. Gangaþ on ðás ceaster-wíe ðe inc. ongeán standeþ, Blickl. Homl. 69, 35. Ðá arn hé and gestód ongeán (opposite) ðam lége, 221, 11. Wæs ongeán ðyssum wæterscipe glæsen fæt a glass vessel was placed so thai the water ran into it, 209, 4. Mín syn biþ symble ongeán mé my sin is ever before me, L. E. I. 30; Th. ii. 426, 40. (2) marking motion, towards, in the direction of, to meet, in the way of:--Héht his þegnas hine beran ongeán ðæm fýre jussit se obviam ignium globis efferi, Bd. 2, 7; S. 509, 24. Bæd ðæt him mon brohte ðone triumphan ongeán, Ors. 5, 12; Swt. 240, 2: Shrn. 129, 21. Him com seó menio ongeán (-gægn, Lind. Rush.), Jn. Skt. 12, 18. Férdon ongeán ðǽm héðnum they marched against the heathens, Blickl. Homl. 203, 2. (3) marking opposition, hostility in action or feeling, against:--Swá se wind swíðor slóg on ðone lég, swá bræc hé swíðor ongeán ðæm winde, 221, 13. Hé hié lǽrde, ðæt hié hié forþ trymedan ongeán heora feóndum, 201, 36. Ic niste ðæt ðú stóde ongeán mé I knew not that you opposed me, Num. 22, 34. Ne hit for ðæm bryne wandode ðæs hátan léges ðe him wæs ongeán. Nar. 15, 21. Ðonne storm cyme mínum gǽste ongegn, Exon. Th. 455, 33; Hy. 4, 59. (4) denoting waiting for what is coming, against, for the reception of, to receive:--Ongeán gramum gearowe stódon stood ready for the attack of the foes, Byrht. Th. 134, 46; By. 100. Biþ súsla hús open ongeán áðlogum open against the coming of the perjurers, Exon. Th. 98, 10; Cri. 1605. Him biþ fýr ongeán fire awaits them, 446, 7; Dóm. 18. (5) marking direction where no actual motion takes place:--Seó eádge biseah ongeán gramum, 280, 12; Jul. 628. (6) in reply to:--Hig cwǽdon mé ongeán, St. And. 40, 14. (7) denoting contrast:--Ongeán ðam e contra . . . Ongeán ðyssum spelle, Bd. 5, 13; S. 632, 2-4. Swá wé oftor hig ( our sins) gemunaþ, swá forgyt God hyra hraðor . . . Ðonne ongeán ðon (on the contrary) swá wé oftor misdǽda forgytaþ, swá gemon hig God geornor, L. E. I. 30; Th. ii. 426, 36. (8) in return for, as an equivalent for:--Hé hine on eorþan streccan ongan, ongeán ðam heó eác hí ástrehte, Glostr. Frag. 102, 6. Ongeán ðam andgyte se deófol forgifþ stuntnysse, Wulfst. 59, 6-19. Cf. II. 7. II. with the acc. (l) marking position, opposite, over against (against, in a direction opposite to:--Ongeán streám in a direction opposite to that in which the stream flows, Cod. Dip. B. i. 502, 3: ii. 374, 10. (3) denoting hostility, resistance, or opposition in action or feeling, against, with, contrary to, in opposition to:--Se lég ongan sleán and brecan ongeán ðone wind, Blickl. Homl. 221, 12. Æfter hǽðenum gewunan, ongeán heora cristendóm, Homl. Th. i. 100, 20. Ongǽn þúsendfealde deriende cræftas contra mille nocendi artes, Wrt. Voc. ii. 135, 29. Ongién allo ús wiðerwordnisse swííre girǽc contra cuncta nobis adversaria dexteram extende, Rtl. 14, 38. Him láð wǽre ðæt hí ongeán heora cynehláford standan sceoldan, Chr. 1048 ; Erl. 178, 31. Wearþ swíðe gestired se here ongeán ðone biscop, 1012 ; Erl. 146, 13. Ðæt heó yrsige ongeán leahtras (-es, MS.), Homl. Skt. i. l, 104. Hé gewát yrre ongén hig, Num. 12, 9. Ðæt folc . . . ceorodon ongeán God . . . Wé sprǽcon ongeán God, 21, 5-7. Hwylce wróhte bringe gé ongeán ðysne man, Jn. Skt. 18, 29. Næfst ðú náne mihte ongeán (ad-versum) mé, 19, ll. Ic ne mǽg nó wiðcweþan ne furþum ongeán ðæt geþencan I cannot contradict, I cannot even have a conception contrary to it. Bt. 34, l; Fox 134, 29. (4) marking direction where no actual motion takes place:--Hí elciaþ ongeán ðone deáþ, and mid ealle ne forfleóþ . . . Úre Álýsend ne elcode ná ongeán ðone deáþ ac hé hine oferswíðde Enoch and Elias delay to meet death, and do not at all avoid it . . . Our Redeemer did not delay to meet death, but he overcame it, Homl. Th. i. 308, 2-8. Hé ne dorste beseón ongén God, Ex. 3, 6. Hé fægnaþ ongeagn (-geán, Cott. MSS.) ðara óðerra word he rejoices at the words of the others, Past. 17, 3; Swt. 111, 10. Ðæt cild ongeán his Hláfordhyhte and hine hálette the hope of the child went out to meet his Lord, and he hailed him, Blickl. Homl. 165, 29. (5) in reply to:--Ne andwyrtst ðú nán þing ongén ða ðe ðiss ðé onsecgeaþ. Mt. Kmbl. 26, 62. (6) denoting contrast or comparison:--Seó næddre is geset on ðam godspelle ongeán ðone fisc in the gospel the serpent is put in contrast to the fish, Homl. Th. i. 252, I. Feáwa ongeán getel ðæra wiðercorena few in comparison with the number of the reprobate, 536, 32. (7) against as in to set one thing against another, as an equivalent for, in return for, in exchange for:--Þolige cyle ongeán (in atonement for) ða hlíwþe, L. Pen. 16; Th. ii. 284, 5. Hé gesealde twá gegrynd ongén ðes mynstres mylne, Ch. Th. 231, 24: 232, 3. Ælfríc sealde ðæt land æt Hacce-burnan ongeán ðæt land set Deccet, 288, 12. Hig of ðám lúdeum foránum penige xxx gesealdon, ongeán ðæt ðæt ða lúdeas úrne Hǽlend mid xxx penegum gebohton, St. And. 36, 26. (8) marking readiness for a coming event, against, ready for:--Híg lédon forþ hira lác ongeán ðætte losep in eode they made ready their presents against Joseph came, Gen. 43, 25. Ðonne sceolde fyrd út ongeán ðæt hí up woldon, Chr. 1010; Erl. 144, 4. (9) marking time, towards:--Fela ongeán winter hám tugon, Chr. 1096; Erl. 233, 22. B. as an adverb. (l) marking position, opposite:--Ic stande on ðás healfe and dú ongeán ego in hac parte sto, tu contra, hér is se contra adverbium, Ælfc. Gr. 47; Som. 47, 50. Is Gotland on óðre healfe ongeán. Ors. 1, l; Swt. 19, 20. Se hundredman ðe ðár stód ágén (ongeán, MS. A.: ongægn, Lind. Rush.) ex adverso stabat, Mk. Skt. 15, 39. (2) marking motion:--Ðá com mycel windes blǽd foran ongeán (in the opposite direction), Blickl. Homl. 199, 21. Ætstód se streám and ongan to þindenne ongeán (in the direction opposite to that in which had come), Jos. 3, 16. (3) denoting return, reversal of a previous action, again, back; Lat re-:--Ða bodan ongeán cómon tó Jacobe, Gen. 32, 6. Ic fare eft ongeán, Num. 22, 34. Hé gewende ongeán tó dam cynge, Chr. 1048; Erl. 178, 5. Ongeán cirran reverti, Gen. 8, 7. Ongeán fleón refugere, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 6; Som. 32, 47. Ongén sceát, ongeán hwyrfde retrorsit, Hpt. Gl. 505, 59. (4) with verbs of speaking, in reply:--Sóhte gylpword ongeán, Cd. Th. 17, 23; Gen. 264. Ða wergendan ne sceal mon ná ongeán werian, R. Ben. 17, 13. Brimmanna boda, ábeód ongeán, Byrht. Th. 133, 13; By. 49. (5) marking direction without actual motion, towards:--Ðonne hé síþ ongán cum viderit, Ps. Th. 57, 9. Hié ongeán lócian ne mihton, Blickl. Homl. 203, 11. (6) denoting opposition or resistance:--Ðá stód Grantabrycgscír fæstlíce ongeán, Chr. 1010; Erl. 143, 20. Nolde seó burhwaru ábúgan, ac heóldan mid fullan wíge ongeán, 1013; Erl. 148, 12. Ealle ða yldestan menn on West-Seaxon lágon ongeán swá hí lengost mihton ac hí ne mihton nán þing ongeán wealcan all the chief men of Wessex resisted as long as ever they could, but they could not offer any effectual opposition, 1036; Erl. 165, 1-3. Ongén sette objecte, Wrt. Voc. ii. 115, 25. (7) marking contrast, on the other hand:--God sette beforan eów líf and gód, and ðǽr ongén deáþ and yfel, Deut. 30, 15. (8) marking repetition, again:--Drihten cwæþ: Dó ðíne hand on dínne bósum . . . Ðá cwæþ hé: Teóh eft ðíne hand on ðínne bósum. Ðá teáh hé hig ongeán, Ex. 4, 6-7. [O. Sax. an-gegin: O. H. Ger. in-gagan and in-gegin, -gegini: Ger. ent-gegen : Icel. í-gegn and cf. gagn-.] on-geagn,ongeagn

Related words: foran):--Án ðæra gárena líþ ongeán ðæt ígland ðe Gades hátte, óðer ongeán ðæt land Narbonense, se þridda . . . ongeán ðæne múðan, Ors. 1, 1; Swt. 24, 3-6. Hé sæt ðǽr ihm getǽht wæs ongeán ðone cyngc, Ap. Th. 14, 13. Ðá sæt se Hǽlend ongén (-geán, MS. A.: -gægn, Lind.: -gægn, Rush.) ðone brýdguman, Mt. Kmbl. 25, I. 6. Woldon ferian ða herehýð ongeán ða scipu, Chr. 894; Erl. 90, 24. Ðá flugon ða légetu ongeán ða hǽðnan leóde, Blickl. Homl. 203, 10. (2 a)
