
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - on-gildan

According to the Old English Dictionary:

I. add: (1) with gen. :-- Agustus herede þá ofermétto . . . Raþe þæs Rómáne anguldon þæs wordes mid miclum hungre, Ors. 6, 1; S. 254, 15. (2) with acc. :-- Iúdéas gedydon him dǽda þá wirrestan ; hý ꝥ drófe onguldon, Lch. iii. 286, 14. (3) with clause :-- Hié mid hiera cucum onguldon þæt hié ungyltige cwealdon, Ors. 4, 7; S. 184, 9. IV. to undergo (a penalty) as a compensation for wrongdoing, pay with the evil suffered (gen.) :-- Ne habbað wiht for þæt, þeáh hé wom dón ofer Meotudes bibod: monig sceal ongieldan sáwel súsles, Fä. 71. Wearð Godes wracu on Róme . . . him wæs ungemetlic moncwealn getenge, þæt nán hús næs binnan þǽre byrig þæt hit næfde þǽre wrace angolden exoritur ultio . . . incredibilium morborum pestis extenditur: nulla domus fuit, quae non illa pestilentia correpta sit, Ors. 6, 23 : S. 274, 13. on-gildan