Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - on-hǽle
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- on-hǽle
- adj. Secret, hidden :-- Ne lǽt ðú ðínne ferþ onhíélne, dégol ðæt ðú deópost cunne, nelle ic ðé mín dyrne gesecgan, gif ðú mé dínne hygecræft hylest, Exon. Th. 333, 9; Gn. Ex. 1. Gif mec onhǽle án onfindeþ, ðǽr ic wíc búge (cf. gif ic mǽgburge mót míne gelǽdan on dégolne weg, 397, 15-17), 396, 19; Rä. 16, 7. Wíd is ðes wésten, wræcsetla fela, eardas onhǽle earmra gǽsta, 121, 7; Gú. 268: 123, 13;Gú. 322. Wið onhǽlum ealdorgewinnum against secret and deadly foes, 134. 9: Gú. 505. on-hæle