Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - on-hyscan
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- on-hyscan
- p. te. I. to mock, make a jest of:--Drihten onhnyscþ (? -hyscþ, MS. T.) hine Dominus irridebit eum, Ps. Spl. 36, 13. Ic wénde ðæt hí mec onhyscte illudi me a senibus existimavi, Nar. 25, 22. II. to reproach, abuse, speak ill of:--Ðonne men eów onhiscaþ (exprobaverint), Lk. Skt. 6, 22. Gebiddaþ for ða ðe eów onhyscaþ (-hisceaþ) pro calumniantibus vos, 6, 28. Ðæt man ða onhisce swýðe for worulde and hý unweorðige, Wulfst. 168, 6: 70, 12. III. to detest:--Ic unrihta gehwylc onhyscte iniquitatem abominatus sum, Ps. Th. 118, 163. Hí onhysctan ǽghwylcne mete omnem escam abominata est anima eorum, 106, 17. on-hyscan