
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - on-secgan

According to the Old English Dictionary:

I. to sacrifice, offer:--Ic onsecge sacrificabo, Ps. Surt. 53, 8. Ic ðé tifer onsecge, Ps. Th. 65, 12. Gif man medmycles hwæthwega deóflum onsægþ (immolaverit), L. Ecg. C. 32; Th. ii. 156, 15. Hé lác onsægde, Cd. Th. 107, 21; Gen. 1792. Hé gild onsægde, 172, 11; Gen. 2842. Hé lác onsægde (of Christian service), Exon. Th. 168, 28; Gú. 1084. Mesiane noldon ðæt Læcedemonia mægdenmenn mid heora ofreden and heora godum onsægden, Ors. 1, 14; Swt. 56, 16. Hié Gode eáðmódlíce lác onsægdon, Blickl. Homl. 201, 14. Onsecggaþ gé him mid sóðfæstnesse wæstmum, 41, 10. Ne yld ðú ðæt ðú ðám myclan godum mid ús onsecge diis magnis sacrificare ne differas, Bd. 1, 7; S. 477, 36. Se ðe godgeldum onsæcge ofer God ánne, L. Alf. 32; Th. i. 52, 12. Gif ðú onsecgan nelt sóðum godum, Exon. Th. 253, 3; Jul. 174. Ðu scealt Isaac mé onsecgan, Cd. Th. 172, 30; Gen. 2852. Ðǽm godum onsægdnisse onsæcgan victimis placare, Nar. 20, 5. Ongunnan heora bearn blótan feóndum, sceuccum onsæcgean immolaverunt filios suos, et filias suas daemoniis, Ps. Th. 105, 27. Onsægd síe turificatur, Wrt. Voc. ii. 88, 51. [Cf. O. H. Ger. insaket litat; insaket delibatus; insaget pim delibor, sacrificio.] II. to deny, renounce, abjure (O. H. Ger. antsagén renunciare, abjurare, excusare: Ger. ent-sagen):--Gif mon síe dumb oððe deáf geboren ðæt hé ne mǽge his synna onsecggan (-sæcgan, MS. H.; ætsacan, MS. B.) ne andettan, béte se fæder his misdǽda, L. Alf. pol. 14; Th. i. 70, 15. on-secgan