Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - on-sting
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- on-sting
- m. Authority:--Icc nelle geþafian ðæt ǽnig mann ǽnigne onstingc habbe on ǽnigum þingum oððe on ǽnigum tíman bútan se abbod, Chart. Th. 362, 3. Ǽnige onsting, 369, 24. Ic nelle geþafian ðæt ǽni man ǽnine onstyngc hæbbe nolo permittere ut quis jus habeat, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iut nec tu nec quisquam successorum episcoporum quicquam hujus aecclesiae usurpet praeter abbatis uoluntatem, v. 29, 20. on-sting