Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - on-sund
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- on-sund
- adj. I. of persons, sound, whole, uninjured:--Sum cild wearþ tó deáþe tócwýsed. Seó móder bær ðæs cildes líc tó ðam gemynde ðæs hálgan Stephanes, and hit sóna geedcucode and ansund æteówode, Homl. Th. ii. 26, 28. Onsund, Exon. Th. 278, 5; Jul. 593. Heó árás andsund of ðam bedde, Homl. Skt. i. 22, 52. Ábeád ðæt hié hine ealles onsundne eft gebrohten of ðære folcsceare the king ordered that Abraham should be brought again out of Egypt safe and sound, Cd. Th. 112, 15; Gen. 1871. Hé áléde his tunecan uppon ðám deádum, and hí ansunde árison, Homl. Th. i. 74, 3: Andr. Kmbl. 2023; An. 1014: 3244; An. 1625. II. of things, sound, entire, perfect, without flaw or injury:--Ne wearm weder ne winterscúr wihte gewyrdan, ac se wong seómaþ onsund, Exon. Th. 199, 3; Ph. 20: 200, 21; Ph. 44. Nán cyneríce ne stent náne hwíle ansund, gif hí gesóme ne beóþ, Homl. Skt. i. 13, 238. For ðære clǽnnysse his ansundan mægþhádes. Hé on écnysse on ungewemmedum mægþháde þurhwunode, Homl. Th. i. 58, 7. Hine getácnode God tó ansundre hǽle, ii. 512, 13. Ansundre integro, Hpt. Gl. 525, 61. God hine (Enoch) genam mid ansundum líchaman of ðissum lífe, Ælfc. T. Grn. 3, 42. Ðenden gǽst and líc geador síþedan onsund on earde, Exon. Th. 285, 16; Jul. 715. Ðá wurdon ða gymstánas swá ansunde, ðæt nán tácen ðære ǽrran tócwýsednesse næs gesewen, Homl. Th. i. 62, 16.