Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - on-tydran
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- on-tydran
- to nourish, support :-- Hú þyncþ eów hú seó sibb gefæstnad wǽre, hwæðér hió síe ðæm gelícost ðe mon nime ǽnne eles dropan, and drýpe on án micel fýr, and þence hit mid ðæm ádwæscan? ðonne is wén, swá micle swíðor swá hé þencþ ðæt hé hit ádwæsce, ðæt hé hit swá micle swíðor ontydre pax ista an incentivum malorum fuit? stillicidium illud olei, in medium magnae flammae cadens exstinxit fomitem tanti ignis, an aluit? Ors. 4, 7; Swt. 182, 22-26. on-tydran