Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - open-líce
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- open-líce
- ad I. publicly, in a way by which not a few only are affected :-- Eft cymþ God swíðe openlíce (in a way to be seen by all), Ps. Th. 49, 3, Hié openlíce ðæt gesetton (they publicly decreed) ðæt hé swungen wǽre óþ ðæt hé swylte. Blickl. Homl. 193, 3. Wæs ðis ðara wundra ǽrest ðe ðes eádiga wer openlíce beforan óðrum mannum geworhte, 219, 3 : Homl. Th. i. 58, 15. Hé funde áne tabulan eall áwritene and hí openlíce rǽdde (read it out to the bystanders). Homl. Skt. i. 23, 767. II. without concealment, without reserve, freely :-- Hé spræc openlíce (palam), Mk. Skt. 8, 32. Nán man spæc openlíce be him for ðæra Iudéa ege, Jn. Skt. 7, 13. Ðá fór hé næs ná openlíce ac dýgollíce, 7, 10. Monige scylda openlíce wietena (aperte cognita), Past. 21, 2 ; Swt. 152, 1. Ða díglan gyltas man sceal dígelíce bétan, and ða openan openlíce, Homl. Th. i. 498, 10. III. plainly, evidently, clearly, manifestly :-- Swelce hé open, líce cuáde si aperte dicat, Past. 21, 2 ; Swt. 153, 11: Blickl. Homl. 81, 19. Búton ic openlíce gecýþe ðæt ic God sylfa sý unless I make it evidently appear that l am God himself, 181, 36. Se wæs openlíce úþwita. Bt. 19: Fox 70, 8 : Met. 13, 72. Hú ne is ðé genóg openlíce geeówad. Bt. 24, 3; Fox 84, 19: 32, 2; Fox 116, 33. Ic ongite openlíce . . . Ic wolde ðeáh hit fullícor and openlícor of ðé ongitan video . . . sed ex te cognoscere malim apertius, 33, 1; Fox 120, 2-9 : 39, 2-Fox 212, ii. Openlíce manifeste, Hpt. Gl. 460, 59. Sume sindon openlíce forgitene some plainly are forgotten, Met. 10, 60. IV. without obstruction, at large :-- Wolde openlícor (latius) ætýwan seó god-cunde árfæstnyss on hú myclum wuldre Cúþbyrht æfter his deáþe lifede, Bd. 4, 30 ; S. 608, 24. Ic wene ðæt ðú nyte hwæt ðis gemǽne, búton wé of óðrum bócum ðis openlícor secgan (give a fuller account), Boutr. Scrd. 18, 27. Ðás þing wé willaþ openlícor gecýðan ðonne ðæt lýden dó, Anglia viii. 298, 25: Chr. 1106; Erl. 240, 35. [O. Sax. opan-líko: O. H. Ger. offanlíhho palam, publice, evidenter.] open-lice,openlice