
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - or-sorg

According to the Old English Dictionary:


adj; with gen. I. free from care, without anxiety, secure, prosperous: -- Orsorh securus, Kent. Gl. 365 : Wrt. Voc. i. 83, 59. Orsorg lentus, ii. 96, 62 : consors, 15, 23 : 105, 18. Orsorh wǽpna securus armorum, Ælfc. Gr. 41; Som. 44, 9. Se tó ánra ðara burga (the cities of refuge) gefliéhþ ðonne mæg hé beón orsorg ðæs monnsliehtes he may be without anxiety as to the manslaughter he has committed; reus perpetrati homicidii non tenetur, Past. 21, 7; Swt. 167, 20. Ne þorftest ðú ðé nánwuht ondrǽdan, . . Ðonne ðú ðonne orsorg wǽre, Bt. T. J., 3;Fox 46, 30. Næs ic nǽfre swá emnes módes ðæt ic eallunga wǽre orsorg, ðæt ic swá orsorg wǽre ðæt ic náne gedréfednesse næfde, 26, 1; Fox 90, 26. Seó wiðerwearde wyrd byþ ǽlcum men nytwyrðre ðonne seó orsorge (prospera), 20; Fox 70, 30. Orsorg líf lǽdaþ woruldmen wíse, ðonne hé forsihþ eorþlícu gód and ðara yfela orsorh wunaþ, Met. 7, 43. Hé furþon orsorh ne brícþ his genihtsumnysse he does not enjoy even his abundance without anxiety, Homl. Th. i. 64, 34. Uton lǽtan bión ðás sprǽce and bión unc ðæs orsorge secure concludere licet, Bt. 34, 7; Fox 144, 18. tó upáhafen for orsorgum woruldgesǽlþum (cf. on ðinre orsorgnesse. Fox 14, 35) too much uplifted on account of untroubled earthly felicity, Met. 5, 33. II. secure from danger, safe :-- Orsorg tuta, Wrt. Voc. ii. 123, 2. Samson eode him swá orsorh of heora gesihþum, Jud. 16, 3. Hé ús sealde orsorh wuldor (glory secure from the assaults of men), Blickl. Homl. 151, 12. Ða hálgan martyras orsorge becómon tó wulderbeáge ðæs écan lífes, Homl. Th. i. 416, 9. Wit begra ǽr wǽron orsorge we before were safe from both (hunger and thirst). Cd. Th. 50, 5 ; Gen. 804. Wé beóþ for eów and eów orsorge gedóþ (cf. wé gedóþ eów sorhleáse securos vos faciemus; we will secure you, Mt. Kmbl. 28, 14), Nicod. 17; Thw. 8, 23. [O. H. Ger. ur-sorg securus.] or-sorg