Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - or-wéne
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- or-wéne
- I. add: with clause; and for last passage substitute :-- Ealle Italiam geswicon Rómánum and tó Hannibale gecirdon, for þon þe hié wǽron orwéne hwæðer ǽfre Rómáne tó heora anwealde becómen omnis Italia ad Annibalem, desperata Romani status reparatione, defecit, Ors. 4, 9; S. 192, 4. II. dele last passage, and add :-- Sum eáwfæst wer wæs yfele gehæfd, and læg at forðsíðe his freóndum orwéne, Hml. Th. ii. 150, 8. or-wene