Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - rá

According to the Old English Dictionary:

ráha ;

gen. rán; m. A roebuck, a roe :-- Ráha capria, Wrt. Voc. ii. 103,19. Raa capriolus, 129, 58: capia ( = caprea), 128, 47. Rá caprea, 16, 79 : i. 288, 15. Gyf man on huntuþe rán oððe rǽgean mid fláne gewǽceþ, Lchdm. i. 166, 24. Mǽre on huntunge heorta and rána cervorum caprearumque venatu insignis, Bd. 1, 1 ; S. 474, 41. Ic gefeó heortas and ránn capio cervos et damas, Coll. Monast. Th. 21, 31. Rá l gǽt capras, Rtl. 119, 16. The word is found in names of localities, e.g. On ráhweg : ðæt ondlong ráhweges on ráhdene, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 378, 22. Ðonan wið heortsolwe; ðonne wið ráhgelega, 391, 32. [Prompt. Parv. roo capreus, capreolus : O. H. Ger. rého capreolus : Icel.a roe.]

Related words: ráh-deór, rǽge. ra
