Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - racu
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- racu
- I. add :-- [Godspel]licere race cwydas euangelice relationis (i. narrationis) dicta, An. Ox. 169. 'Mid fæsthafelre race l smeáþancelre trahtnunge tenaci (i. subtili) textu, 192. In þǽre rihtan race byð full oft forðsænded se dóm, þurh þone byþ oferswíþed ꝥ hlúde geflit þæs folces in concione sententia promitur, per quam turbae seditio comprimatur, Gr. D. 264, 27. Þǽs þing wé cweðað ymbe þǽre eásterlican tíde þe wé þencað mid sóeth;re race geglengan, Angl. viii. 324, 12. Race ordinem, Germ. 395, 34. Þá wísan þe hé þǽr spræc þurh his race and sócne quot sententias quasi per inquisitionem movet, Gr. D. 265, 8. Gecyndbóca racu, gerecednesse geneseos relatum, i. relationem, An. Ox. 51. I a. reasoning, argument :-- Oft gebyreð ðæt ðá lytegan bióð mid líðlicre race gehwyrfde. . . Ðǽm lytegan is betere ðæt hié mid ryhtre race weorðen oferreahte and mid ðǽre race oferswíðde, sapientes plerumque ratiocinationis argumenta convertunt . . . Illis prodest, ut in suis allegationibus victim jaceant, Past. 205, 1-4. IV. add :-- Hé sceal beforan ðǽm ðearlwísan Déman mid gereccelicre race gereccan ðæt hé ðæt ilce self dyde ðe hé óðre menn lǽrde apud districtum judicem cogitur tanta in opere exsolvere, quanta eum constat aliis voce praecepisse, Past. 193, 15. V. reason :-- Ne wiþstandeð nǽningu gesceádwísnes ne nǽnigu racu þissere sprǽce nulla huic allegationi ratio obsistit, Gr. D. 271, 20. V a. reason personified :-- Ꝥ ne mæg fullíce seó gesceádwísnes sylf and racu gerihtan quod plene ratio non valet, Gr. D. 272, 9. Ic eom seó gesceádwísnes ðínes módes þe ðé wið sprecð, and ic eom seó racu ðe mé onhagað ðé tó gerihtreccenne promittit ratio quae tecum loquitur, Solil. H. 26, 7.