Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - ræps
According to the Old English Dictionary:
reps, es;
- ræps
- m. A response (in the service of the church) :-- Ǽfengebed vespertinum officium, reps responsorium, rǽding lectio, Wrt. Voc. i. 28, 32. Sý án rǽding gerǽd, and án swýðe scort ræps æfterfylige, R. Ben. 34, 53. Án rǽding, æfter ðam reps (ræps, MSS. O. F. : ryps, MS. T.), ymen, fers and lofsang, 36, 21. Æfter ðæm glorian ðæs feórþan repses (ræpses, MS. O.), 35, 18. Man þreó rǽdinga rǽde and þrý ræpsas. Æt ðam þriddan repse singe se sangere 'Gloria Patri,' 33, 14-16 : 35, 8-10. On ðisum dagum wé forlǽtaþ on úrum repsum 'Gloria Patri,' Homl. Th. ii. 224, 26. Gé sculon singan sunnanúhtan ǽfre nigon ræpsas mid nigon rǽdingum, L. Ælfc. P. 44; Th. ii. 384, 5. ræps