Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - rǽcan
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- rǽcan
- p. rǽhte. I. intrans. To reach, extend, stretch forth :-- Ic wíde rǽce ofer engla eard, Exon. Th. 482, 26; Rä. 67, 7. Yldo rǽceþ wíde, Salm. Kmbl. 588; Sal. 294. Heó rǽhte mid handum tó heofoncyninge, Cd. Th. 292, 7; Sat. 437 : Beo. Th. 1499; B. 747. Rǽhton wíde geond werþeóda wróhtes telgan, Cd. Th. 61, 1; Gen. 990. Ne hé sóðfæste lǽteþ ðæt hí tó unrihte willen handum rǽcean ut non extendan justi ad iniquitatem manus suas, Ps. Th. 124, 4. II. trans. To reach, hold forth, offer, present :-- Ic rǽce porrigo vel porgo, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 5; Som. 31, 46. Hé ys se ðe ic rǽce (porrexero) hláf, Jn. Skt. 13, 26. For hwon ne rǽcst (porrigis) ðú ús ðone hwítan hláf ? Bd. 2, 5; S. 507, 14. Rǽcþ (porrigit) hé him scorpionem? Lk. Skt. 11, 12. Ðǽr (in hell) hý leomu rǽcaþ (stretch forth) tó bindenne, Exon. Th. 99, 8; Cri. 1621. Eall ða weoruldgód hé gefeónde þearfum rǽhte and sealde cuncta pauperibus erogare gaudebat, Bd. 3, 5; S. 526, 26. Hé hláf bræc and him rǽhte, Lk. Skt. 24, 30. Se óðer rǽhte forþ (protulit) his hand, Gen. 38, 28. Heó rǽhte hire handa ,him tó, Th. Ap. 27, 1 : Past. 36, 1; Swt. 247, 21. Ðara ánra ðe for neóde him þénunge æt ðæs mynstres ingange rǽcan scylon, R. Ben. 139, 11. Se gebúr sceal erian healfne æcer and rǽcan (cf. on bærene gebringan, Chart. Th. 145, 1) ðæt sǽd on hláfordes berne, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 450, 35. [O. Frs. réka : O. H. Ger, reihhen.]