Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - recenian
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- recenian
- p. ode To arrange, dispose, reckon. [Cristess kinn o modere hallfe be weppmann shollde reccnedd ben, Orm. 2055. Alle sunnen sunderliche ne muhte no mon rikenen, A. R. 210, 7. Him ne poruayþ of his receninge, and wel wot þet rekeni him behoueþ, Ayenb. 19, 6. Reknyn or cowntyn, rekkyn, rekene, computo, Prompt. Parv, 428. O. Frs. rekenia to reckon : O. H. Ger. rehhanón parare, rationem ponere, disponere : cf. Goth. rahnjan.]