
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - renc

According to the Old English Dictionary:


f. Pride, pomp, vanity, bravery, display :-- Bisceopum gebyreþ ðæt hí ne hédan ne woruldwlence ne ídelre rence, L. I. P. 10; Th. ii. 316, 30. Ǽgwhylce wlence and ídele rence forhogian swá gebyreþ munecum, 14; Th. ii. 322, 9. Ne gerísaþ biscopum príta ne ídele rænca ne micele ofermétta, 11; Th. ii. 318, 32. Be ídelum rencum. Pro eo, quod elevate sunt filie Sion, etc. For oferméttan, hé cwæð, and ídelan rencan eówra leóda, Wulfst. 45, 21-23. [We ne beoð iboren for to habbene nane prudu ne forðe nane oðre rencas, O. E. Homl. i. 7, 27.]

Related words: ofer-renc, ranc. renc
