
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - rétan

According to the Old English Dictionary:

p. te To cheer, gladden, comfort :-- Geseóþ hú blíþe ða earman beóþ, ðonne hí mon mid mete and mid hrægle rétaþ, Blickl. Homl. 41, 29. Ealle ða óðru gód óleccaþ ðam móde and hit rétaþ, Bt. 24, 3; Fox 84, 24 note. Hú se wísdóm hine eft réte and rihte mid his andsworum, tit. 5; Fox x, 10. Ðæt dolh rét mid ferscre buteran, Lchdm. ii. 354, 5. Wudewan and steópcild hý (eorlas and heretogan) sculon rétan and þearfena helpan, L. I. P. 11; Th. ii. 318, 26. Se hálga ongann wígendra þreát wordum rétan, Andr. Kmbl. 3215; An. 1610. Ða wædlan sint tó fréfranne and tó rétanne (offerre consolationis solatium), Past. 26, 1; Swt. 181, 6.

Related words: á-, un-rétan; rót. retan
