
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - ríce

According to the Old English Dictionary:


n. I a. add :-- On middeweardum hire ríce hió getimbrede Babylonia þá burg medio imperii sui Babylonem condidit, Ors. 2, 1; 8. 62, 14. God forgifð ríce ðám ðe hé wile, Hml. Th. ii. 434, 4. I b. add :-- Ðonne bið ðæt ríce wel gereht, ðonne sé ðe ðǽr fore bið suíðor wilnað ðæt hé rícsige ofer monna unðeáwas ðonne ofer óðre góde menn summus locus bene regitur, cum is, qui praeest, vitiis potius quam fratribus dominatur, Past. 117, 9.

Related words: ærce-, ærcebisceop-, Breoten-, feówer-, fiþer-, Franc-, heáfod-, land-, middel-ríce. rice
