
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - riht-hamscyld

According to the Old English Dictionary:

? :-- Gif man rihthamscyld þurhstinð . . . Gif feaxfang geweorð, Ll. Th. i. 12, 1-3, [In the note to these laws a passage from the Lex Saxonum is quoted giving two articles: I. 6. Si gladio

uestem seu scutum alterius incideret . . . 7. Si per capillos alium comprehenderit . . . As ham denotes a garment, it seems as if the English text might be a corrupt form of a law corresponding to the former of these two, and in the same note the following emendation is suggested: Gif man on unriht ham oððe scyld (= uestem seu scutum) þurhstinð.] riht-hamscyld