
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - riht-raciend

According to the Old English Dictionary:


m. An expounder of right :-- Seó Salomannes bóc . . . is genæmned Ecclesiastes. Seó bóc is ágendlíce on Ænglisc rihtraciend geháten . . . In þǽre rihtan race byþ oft forð . . . bróht se dóm . . . Manige men . . . beóð gelǽdede tó ánum dóme þurh gesceád þæs rihtraciendes Salomonis liber Ecclesiastes appellatus est. Ecclesiastes proprie concionator dicitur. In concione vero sententia promitur. . . Multi . . . per concionantis rationem ad unam sententiam perducuntur, Gr. D. 264, 25-265, 4: 266, 17: 267, 11. riht-raciend