
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - riht-ǽw

According to the Old English Dictionary:

Add: -ǽwe; n. (I. add :-- Wé lǽrað ꝥ man geswíce cifesgemánan and lufige rihtǽwe, Ll. Th. ii. 248, 18. II. add :-- Gif hé cyfesan hæbbe and náne rihtǽwe si concubinam habeat, et nullam legitimam uxorem, Ll. Th. ii. 186, 3. Heródes ðá áwearp his rihtǽwe, and forligerlíce mánfulles sinscipes breác, Hml. Th. 478, 28. riht-æw

Related words: ǽwe).
