
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - rihtlǽcan

According to the Old English Dictionary:

p. -lǽhte To make right, rectify, correct, amend :-- Gif hé ðonne (after punishment) swá ne béte and rihtlǽce, hé sý of ðam ealdorscype áworpen, R. Ben. 46, 19. Se ðe ǽr ðysum misdyde, ðæt hé hit georne gebéte and rihtlǽce hine sylfne, Wulfst. 277, 2. Úton wé nú ǽlces yfeles geswícan and rihtlǽcan ús sylfe on eallan þingan, 174, 30. Æfter ðam ðe hé sylf geriht wearþ hé began georne mynstera wíde geond his cyneríce tó rihtlǽcynne after his own life was ordered aright, he began to set the monasteries in order, Lchdm. iii. 440, 2.

Related words: ge-rihtlǽcan. riht-læcan,rihtlæcan
