
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - rihtung

According to the Old English Dictionary:


f. I. direction, guidance :-- Bisceope gebyreþ ǽlc rihting ... Hé sceall gehádode men gewissian, ðæt heora ǽlc wite hwæt him gebyrige tó dónne, L. I. P. 7; Th. ii. 312, 9. Gyrd rihtingce virga directionis, Ps. Spl. 44, 8. Him God hálige ǽ sette tó heora lífes rihtinge, Homl. Th. i. 558, 21. Ðonne mann wísdóm sprecþ manegum tó þearfe and tó rihtinge, Ælfc. T. Grn. 21, 28. Rihtinga directiones, Ps. Lamb. 98, 4. II. correction, setting right :-- Rihtingc correctio, 96, 2. Bisceopes dægweorc . . . his gebedu ǽrest, and ðonne his bócweorc, rǽding oððon rihting (correcting manuscripts?), L. I. P. 8; Th. ii. 314, 19. On ða gerád ðæt seó bóc heam sý geara, gyf hý hyre beþurfan tó ǽnire rihtinge on the condition that the charter be ready for them, if they need it for any correction, Chart. Th. 588, 17. III. correction, reproof :-- For ðære geornfulnesse ðære ryhtinge ne síe hé tó stíð tó ðære wrace ne correptionis studia privatus dolor exasperet, Past. 13, 2; Swt. 79, 11. IV. a direction, rule :-- Ne scylen hý beón bútan regole, ðæt is lífes rihtinge, R. Ben. 61, 14. Ðisne regul, ðæt is lífes rihtunge, wé áwriton tó dý ðæt wé hine on mynstre healden, 132, 14. V. a translation of the technical term regularis [Regulares apud compotistas, seu computi ecclesiastici conditores, alii sunt solares, alii lunares. Regularis solis est numerus invariabilis datus mensi, qui, adjunctus concurrenti, declarat qua feria septimanae quilibet mensis iniret, cujus fuerit regularis. Dicitur regularis a regula quia invariabilis est. Regularis lunaris est numerus invariabilis, datus mensi ad inveniendum lunam in kalendis mensium singulorum, Ducange] :-- De regularibus feriarum dicamus . . . Januarius and October habbaþ twá rihtinga, and Februarius and Martius and November gladiaþ on fífum, and Aprilis and Julius habbaþ áne rihtinge, and Maius hæfþ þrý, and Agustus mid feówrum glitnaþ, Junius ána hæfþ syx rihtinga, and September and December mid heora seofon geférum gladiaþ, Anglia viii. 302, 1-4. Cf. Aprilis hǽfþ ánne regularem, 303, 40. De regularibus lunae. Gyf ðú wille witan ðæra rihtinga gesceád ðe geþungene preóstas cweþaþ lunares, 305, 8. The word occurs often in the treatise from which these passages are taken. [O. H. Ger. rihtunga regimen, reformatio, emendatio, dispositio.] rihtung