
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - rǽran

According to the Old English Dictionary:

p. de To cause to rise, to rear, raise. I. to lift up, move from a lower to a higher position :-- Hé ús tó roderum up hlǽdre rǽrde, Exon. Th. 437, 11; Rä. 56, 6. Hí tó heofenum up hlǽdræ rǽrdon, Cd. Th. 101, 1; Gen. 1675. Hié tó gúþe gárwudu rǽrdon, 198, 20; Exod. 325. Rǽre up ðín heáfod and geseoh ðis ðæt Simon déþ, Blickl. Homl. 187, 35. II. to raise (a building) :-- Ðú rǽrst hús domum aedifices, Deut. 28, 30. Hí wíbed setton neáh ðam ðe Abraham ǽror rǽrde, Cd. Th. 113, 7; Gen. 1883. Ðæt beácen (the tower of Babel) ðe rǽran ongunnon Adames eaforan, 101, 13; Gen. 1681. Ongunnon him bytlian and heora burh rǽran, 113, 1; Gen. 1880. III. to set up, establish (a law, institution, etc.) :-- God sibbe rǽreþ éce tó ealdre engla and monna, Exon. Th. 43, 16; Cri. 689. Hé Cristes cyricean on his ríce geornlíce timbrede and rǽrde ecclesiam Christi in regno suo multum diligenter aedificare ac dilatare curavit, Bd. 3, 3; S. 525, 37. Man unriht rǽrde and unlaga manege, Wulfst. 156, 13. Ðonne rǽre man cyninges munde, ðæt is ðæt hý ealle ðam sémende syllan ðæt cyninges mund stande, L. E. G. 13; Th. i. 174, 20. Se ðe unlage rǽre oððe undóm gedéme, L. C. S. 15; Th. i. 384, 9. Ys his handgeweorc ryhte dómas ða hé rǽran wyle opera manuum ejus judicium, Ps. Th. 110, 5. IV. to raise, offer (a prayer) :-- Hyra þeódnes dóm ðæt hié to ðam beácne (the golden image) gebedu rǽrde, Cd. Th. 227, 24; Dan. 191. V. to raise, begin, give rise to, excite (ill feeling) :-- Rǽrde exagitabat, Wrt. Voc. ii. 30, 22. Oft hí þræce rǽrdon ... feóndscype rǽrdon oft were their violence and enmity roused, Exon. Th. 243, 18-22; Jul. 12-14. Háteþ þræce rǽran ... ðæt hí úsic binden and in bælwylme swingen, 262, 16; Jul. 333. Fǽhþe rǽran, 113, 14; Gú. 157. Ne cúðon firena fremman ... elles ne ongunnon rǽran on roderum nymþe riht and sóð, Cd. Th. 2, 18; Gen. 21. Geflitu rǽran, Elen. Kmbl. 884; El. 443. Sæce rǽran, 1879; El. 941. VI. to rouse, excite :-- Saga hwá mec rǽre ðonne ic restan ne mót, oððe hwá mec stæððe ðonne ic stille beom, Exon. Th. 387, 2; Rä. 4, 73. VII. to raise, elevate, exalt, promote :-- Gif ðú sóðne God lufast and his lof rǽrest, 245, 22; Jul. 48 : 103, 17; Cri. 1681 : 111, 23; Gú. 131. Se ǽrest æðelinga éðelþrym rýmde and rǽrde, Cd. Th. 98, 24; Gen. 1635. Uton beón á úrum hláforde holde, and ǽfre eallum mihtum his wurðscipe rǽran, L. C. E. 20; Th. i. 372, 9 : Wulfst. 119, 14. Hú neáh ðære tíde wǽre ðætte ða bróðru árísan sceolden and Godes lof rǽran and heora úhtsang singan quam prope esset hora qua fratres ad dicendas Domino laudes nocturnal excitari deberent, Bd. 4. 24; S. 599, 4. [Goth. raisjan : Icel. reisa.]

Related words: á-rǽran. ræran
