
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - rǽsan

According to the Old English Dictionary:

p. de To rush, move violently or impetuously; inruere :-- Rǽsde inruit, Wrt. Voc. ii. 111, 56. I. of actual movement :-- Seó hǽtu rǽsde on ða ðe ðæt fýr ǽlde, Bd. 3, 16; S. 543, 9. Hé, getogene ðý wǽpne, rǽsde on ðone cyning, 2, 9; S. 511, 22. Hé út rǽsde on ðone æþeling, Chr. 755; Erl. 48, 34. Se stranga wind ðǽr on rǽsde, Shrn. 81, 32. Hit on ús and on úre wícstówe rǽsde, Nar. 15, 20 : Beo. Th. 5373; B. 2690. Hiá rǽsdon (inruerent) on hine, Mk. Skt. Lind. Rush. 3, 10. Hundas rǽsdon on ðone apostol, Blickl. Homl. 181, 21. Hié rǽsdon on gífrum grápum, Andr. Kmbl. 2670; An. 1336. Wǽron hý reówe tó rǽsanne gífrum grápum, Exon. Th. 126, 27; Gú. 377. Rǽsed eode impetu abiit, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 8, 32. II. of violent action, to proceed against with violence, to assault, attack :-- Se hláford ne scrífþ freónde ne feónde, ac hé réðigmód rǽst on gehwilcne wédehunde gelícost (cf. se ne murnþ náuþer ne friénd ne fiénd ðe má ðe wédende hund, Bt. 37. 1; Fox 186, 7-8), Met. 25, 17. Hine (deáþ) rǽscþ on gífrum grápum, Exon. Th. 161, 34; Gú. 968. Hú longe on rǽsaþ (inruitis) gé on men, Ps. Surt. 61, 4. On rǽsdun (inruerunt) in mé stronge, 58, 4. Ðæs burhgeréfan sunu wolde rǽsan on hí on ðæm scandhúse and hí bysmrian, Shrn. 56, l1. III. of precipitate action, to rush (into anything) :-- Oft mon biþ suíðe rempende, and rǽsð suíðe dollíce on ǽlc weorc and hrædlíce, Past. 20; Swt. 149, 12. Geþence se láriów ðæt hé unwærlíce forþ ne rǽse on ða sprǽce, 15; Swt. 95, 9.

Related words: be-, ge-, in-, þurh-rǽsan; fǽr-rǽsende. ræsan
