
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - rǽswan

According to the Old English Dictionary:

rǽswian, rǽsian, résian;

p. ede, ode To think, suppose, suspect, consider, conjecture :-- Tó ðǽm sóðum gesǽlþum ðe ðín mód oft ymbe rǽsweþ ad veram felicitatem, quam tuus somniat animus, Bt. 22, 2; Fox 78, 7. Résiaþ comminiscimus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 18, 7. Résiat, 77, 24. Hié eallneg rǽswaþ and ondrǽdaþ ðæt hí mon tǽlan wille they are always suspecting and dreading that people want to blame them, Past. 35, 2; Swt. 239, 6. Ðú rǽswedest (existimasti) swíðe unryhte ðæt ic wǽre ðín gelíca, Ps. Th. 49, 22. Hé résade (suspicabatur) ðæt hé hæfde ðæs Cáseres ǽrendo sum tó Breotone cyningum ... Ðá hé ongeat ðæt hit swá ne wæs swá hé résade, Bd. 4, 1; S. 564, 48-,565. 3. Rǽswodan, spǽcan, wǽron gemunende comminiscuntur, Wrt. Voc. ii. 24, 1. Ne réccaþ hwæt him mon ymbe rǽswe mala de se opinari permittunt, Past. 59, 1; Swt. 447, 28. Ðá ongan hé mid gleáwe móde þencan and rǽsian (résian, MS. C.) coepit sagaci animo conjicere, Bd. 3, 10; S. 534, 21 note. Résigan opinare, Wrt. Voc. ii. 115. 55. Rǽswian conici, conari, 131, 79. Résenðe ic eom suspicatus sum, Ps. Surt. 118, 39.

Related words: next word. ræswan
