
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - rúm-mód

According to the Old English Dictionary:

I. add: with gen. of what is given :-- Hé ne sié giétsiende óðerra monna ǽhta, ac sié his ágenra rúmmód ad aliena cupienda non ducitur, sed propria largitur, Past. 61, 12. Wé sceoldan rúmóde beón rihtra gestreóna, Wlfst. 257, 2. I b. of things, liberal, abundant :-- Heó dǽlde þearfendum mannum manigfealde and rúmmóde gife ælmessan larga indigentibus eleemosynarum opera impendit, Gr. D. 279, 24.

Related words: wel-rúmmód. rum-mod
