Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - rún
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- rún
- f. I. a whisper (speech not intended to be overheard, confidence, counsel, consultation [cf. Goth. rúna niman to take counsel] :-- On hyne nǽnig monna cynnes mihte wlítan nymþe se módiga hwæne neár héte rinca tó rúne gegangan (cf. gangan te rúnu, an rúna, Hel. 1273, 5064), Judth. Thw. 22, 7; Jud. 54. Gesittan tó rúne to sit in consultation, Beo. Th. 346; B. 172. Gesittan sundor tó rúne, Andr. Kmbl. 2324; An. 1163. Swá cwæþ snottor on móde gesæt him sundor æt rúne sat apart communing with himself (cf. nim thú ina sundar te thí an rúna, Hel. 3227), Exon. Th. 293. 5; Wand. 111. Gefetigan tó rúne (cf. Icel. heita einn at rúnum to consult), 246, 15; Jul. 61 : Elen. Kmbl. 2319; El. 1162. Eodon fram rúne, 821; El. 412. Rúne besittan, Andr. Kmbl. 1254; An. 627. Ic Síward cinges þegen æt rǽde and æt rúnan (cf. þegno betst (Peter) te is herron sprak an rúnun, Hel. 3096), Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 355, 17. Hé (Christ) feówertig daga folgeras síne rúnum (cf. Jesus ... being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God, Acts 1, 3) árétte, Hy. 10, 36. II. a mystery, cf. gerýne :-- Rún biþ gerecenod, Cd. Th. 211, 12; Exod. 525. Bæd him áreccan hwæt seó rún (the dream) bude, 250, 6; Dan. 542. Healdaþ æt heortan hálge rúne, Exon. Th. 282, 1; Jul. 656 : Elen. Kmbl. 666; El. 333. Dryhtnes word, hálige rúne, 2336; El. 1169. Déglum rúnum mystice, Jn. Skt. p. 4, 4. III. a secret :-- Rúne healdan to keep one's counsel, Exon. Th. 338, 31; Gn. Ex. 87. IV. of that which is written, with the idea of mystery or magic :-- Ðæt hé him bócstafas árǽdde and árehte hwæt seó rún (the writing on the wall of Belshazzar's palace) bude, Cd. Th. 262, 9; Dan. 741. Hæfdon hié on rúne and on rímcræfte áwriten wera endestæf, Andr. Kmbl. 267; An. 134. V. a rune, a letter. v. rún-stæf :-- Enge rúne (referring to ᚾ = níd), Elen. Kmbl. 2521; El. 1262. Rǽd sceal mon secgan, rúne wrítan, leóþ gesingan, Exon. Th. 342, 7; Gn. Ex. 139. Hé hine ácsade hwæðer hé ða lýsendlícan rúne cúþe and ða stafas mid hine áwritene hæfde be swylcum menn leásspell secgaþ ðæt hine mon forðon gebindan ne mihte interrogare coepit, an forte literas solutorias de qualibus fabulae ferunt, apud se haberet, propter quas ligari non posset, Bd. 4, 22; S. 591, 25. [Ofte heo eoden to ræde ofte heo heolden rune (ȝeode to roune, 2nd MS.), Laym. 25332. Þan kaisere heo radden þat he write runen (writes makede, 2nd MS.), 25340. Godess dærne ræd and run, Orm. 18719. Godes derne runes and his derne domes, A. R. 96, 4. [Goth. rúna counsel, a mystery : O. Sax. rúna counsel, conference : O. H. Ger. rúna susurrio, mysterium, litera, v. Grff. ii. 523 : Icel. rún counsel, mystery, a letter.] v. beadu-, hete-, hyge-, inwit-, leóþu-, searo-, wæl-rún. -run,run