
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - saban

According to the Old English Dictionary:


m. (?) A sheet :-- On sabanum, id est scéte in sabanis (cf. on scétum in sabanis, 48, 47), Wrt. Voc. ii. 82, 57. [In Mt. 27, 59 the Gothic version translates σινδόνι by sabana. O. H. Ger. saban, sapon; m. sabanum, sindon, teristrum, linteum : Gk. σάβανον : Mid. Lat. sabanum : Span. sabana a sheet. Diefenbach ii. 770 cites an Arabic word sabaniyat fine stuff for girdles, veils, etc., with the derivation of it from the name of the town Sabano near Bagdad.] saban