
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - sac-full

According to the Old English Dictionary:

adj. I. contentious, quarrelsome :-- Hé biþ swíðe sacful and micele ungeþwǽrnesse and mænigfealde saca on ðære geférǽdenne wyrcþ scandala nutriunt et dissensiones in congregatione faciunt, R. Ben. 124, 8. Ne ǽnig man ne sý tó sacfull ne ealles tó geflitgeorn, Wulfst. 70, 19 : Lchdm. iii. 428, 34. Sacful wíf litigosa mulier, Kent. Gl. 690. Mid secfullan (rixosa) wífe, 790. [ȝif þe cristene mon bið sacful, O. E. Homl. i. 109, 1.] II. given to accusation (non eris criminator, Lev. 19, 16. sac-full

Related words: sacan, IV) :-- Ne beó ðú sacfull
